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dutch_healthy_diet_index [2022/06/21 15:21]
laura [Calculations]
dutch_healthy_diet_index [2025/02/05 14:49] (current)
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 The DHD index scores for Lifelines were developed by researchers from [[https://​​nl/​Personen/​|Wageningen University and Research]] and is a tool to assess a participant'​s own diet quality and adherence to the 2015 Dutch dietary guidelines. On the Lifelines data, the [[Lifelines Diet Score]] has been developed as well, which is a tool to assess relative diet quality to the overall Lifelines population. The DHD index scores for Lifelines were developed by researchers from [[https://​​nl/​Personen/​|Wageningen University and Research]] and is a tool to assess a participant'​s own diet quality and adherence to the 2015 Dutch dietary guidelines. On the Lifelines data, the [[Lifelines Diet Score]] has been developed as well, which is a tool to assess relative diet quality to the overall Lifelines population.
-The DHD index will soon be available for request ​in the Lifelines catalogue or by email ( When this data has been used in your research, you will have to include a reference to the the following ​paper+The DHD index can be requested ​in the [[|Lifelines catalogue]]. When this data has been used in your research, you will have to include a reference to the the following ​papers
-  * [[...]] **Paper to be added**+  * [[​nu14010048|Baart,​ A. Mireille, et al. "​Dietary intake in the lifelines cohort study: Baseline results from the flower food frequency questionnaire among 59,982 participants."​ Nutrients 14.1 (2021): 48.]]  
 +  ​[[https://​​10.1038/​s41430-023-01372-x|Baart,​ A. Mireille, et al. "​Assessment of the Dutch Healthy Diet index 2015 in the Lifelines cohort study at baseline."​ European Journal 
 +        of Clinical Nutrition 78.3 (2024): 217-227]].
 \\ \\
 ===== The DHD index===== ===== The DHD index=====
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 In this first step, the [[FFQ]] items are assigned to their specific components. For example: for the FFQ heart only calculation,​ the grams per day of item number 82 (peanuts and nuts with hot meal) and 96 (peanuts and nuts inbetween meals) are added to the category "​Nuts"​. Some special cases are discussed below: In this first step, the [[FFQ]] items are assigned to their specific components. For example: for the FFQ heart only calculation,​ the grams per day of item number 82 (peanuts and nuts with hot meal) and 96 (peanuts and nuts inbetween meals) are added to the category "​Nuts"​. Some special cases are discussed below:
   * **Some items fall into two categories.** For example: for the FFQ heart only calculation,​ item number 25 (chocolate milk) is added to the category "​Dairy"​ and "​Sugarsweetened beveraged and fruit juices"​. ​   * **Some items fall into two categories.** For example: for the FFQ heart only calculation,​ item number 25 (chocolate milk) is added to the category "​Dairy"​ and "​Sugarsweetened beveraged and fruit juices"​. ​
-  * **Some items are divided into two categories.** For example: for the FFQ heart only calculation,​ 77.96% of the intake of item number 65 (other types of fish) is added to the category “Fish_lean” and 22.04% of the intake of this item is added to the category “Fish_fat”. These percentages are assumptions that are based on the Dutch national Food consumpumption Survey (([[https://​​handle/​10029/​261553|Rossum ​CTM, Fransen HP, Verkaik-Kloosterman J, Buurma-Rethans EJMOcké MC. Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-2010: Diet of Children Aged 7 to 69 Years. ​RIVM, the Netherlands. 2011.]])). ​+  * **Some items are divided into two categories.** For example: for the FFQ heart only calculation,​ 77.96% of the intake of item number 65 (other types of fish) is added to the category “Fish_lean” and 22.04% of the intake of this item is added to the category “Fish_fat”. These percentages are assumptions that are based on the Dutch national Food consumpumption Survey (([[https://​​handle/​10029/​261553|Van Rossum ​et al(2011). Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2007-2010 : Diet of children and adults aged 7 to 69 years; ​RIVM.]])). ​
   * **Some items are not included.** FFQ items that are not related to one of the 2015 Dutch Dietary Guidelines, or for which too many assumptions have to be made, are not added to a specific component and thus are not used to calculate the DHD index. ​   * **Some items are not included.** FFQ items that are not related to one of the 2015 Dutch Dietary Guidelines, or for which too many assumptions have to be made, are not added to a specific component and thus are not used to calculate the DHD index. ​
 Once the food items have been added to their specific category, an aggregate variable per category is calculated to obtain a total intake of the product group per participant per day. Once the food items have been added to their specific category, an aggregate variable per category is calculated to obtain a total intake of the product group per participant per day.
dutch_healthy_diet_index.1655817686.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/05 14:49 (external edit)