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fatigue_cdc [2020/09/29 10:05]
trynke created
fatigue_cdc [2025/02/05 14:49] (current)
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 The [[https://​​me-cfs/​index.html|Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)]] symptom inventory for [[https://​​wiki/​Chronic_fatigue_syndrome|chronic fatigue syndrome]] (CFS or ME) is aimed to assess whether a person meets the CDC diagnostic criteria for (CFS)((van'​t Leven M et al. (2010). Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome-like complaints in the general population. European Journal of Public Health 20: 251-257)) ([[sections|section]]:​ [[diseases & symptoms]]).\\ The [[https://​​me-cfs/​index.html|Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)]] symptom inventory for [[https://​​wiki/​Chronic_fatigue_syndrome|chronic fatigue syndrome]] (CFS or ME) is aimed to assess whether a person meets the CDC diagnostic criteria for (CFS)((van'​t Leven M et al. (2010). Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome-like complaints in the general population. European Journal of Public Health 20: 251-257)) ([[sections|section]]:​ [[diseases & symptoms]]).\\
-Note that Lifelines also assesses (chronic) fatigue using the [[fatigue (CIS)|CIS]] and [[general health (PROMIS)|PROMIS]] instruments plus some [[fatigue (general)|general questions]]. ​+Note that Lifelines also assesses (chronic) fatigue using the [[fatigue (CIS)|CIS]] and [[general health (PROMIS)|PROMIS]] instruments plus some [[fatigue (general)|general questions]]. An [[cfs_diagnostic_score|CFS diagnostic score]] according to the CDC has been developed and is available for use.
 ===== Background ===== ===== Background =====
fatigue_cdc.1601366712.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2025/02/05 14:49 (external edit)