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sections [2024/10/31 16:43]
jasper_zwerver [Unfixable variables]
sections [2024/10/31 16:53] (current)
jasper_zwerver [Unfixable variables]
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 ===== Unfixable variables ===== ===== Unfixable variables =====
-Seldomly, we find variables that contain mistakes or inconsistencies. Most of the time these mistakes or inconsistencies will be corrected. Howeverit is possible that some mistakes can either ​not be corrected, or that correcting them now results in more negative outcomes than positive ones. You may find a full list of unfixable variables following this link: [[unfixed variables]].+Seldomly, we find variables that contain mistakes or inconsistencies. Most of the time these mistakes or inconsistencies will be corrected, ​but not always. You may find a full list of unfixable variables following this link with an explanation as to why they will not be fixed: [[unfixed variables]].
sections.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/31 16:53 by jasper_zwerver