====== Pregnancy ====== The following variables about the use of childcare for their children ([[sections|section]]: [[reproduction & development]]) by adult female [[start|Lifelines]] participants were collected in the context of an [[additional assessments|additional questionnaire]] about female reproductive health ([[ROAQ]]).\\ Note that participants could fill in the same survey on a total of 9 possible pregnancies, for 3 different children per pregnancy, and for 7 different types of childcare. | **Label English** | **Label Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | in the period before your child [1 from pregnancy 1] started school, did you make use of childcare? (e.g. daycare, babysitter, family) | Hebt u in de periode voordat uw kind [1 uit zwangerschap 1] naar school ging gebruikt gemaakt van kinderopvang? (bv. kinderdagverblijf, oppas, familie) | pregnancy[1-9]_childcare_adu_q_1_[01-03] | PREGNA | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | start age (months) childcare 1 / in the period before your child [1 from pregnancy 1] started school, did you make use of childcare? (e.g. daycare, babysitter, family) | Begin leeftijd (maanden) opvang 1 / Hebt u in de periode voordat uw kind [1 uit zwangerschap 1] naar school ging gebruikt gemaakt van kinderopvang? (bv. kinderdagverblijf, oppas, familie) | pregnancy[1-9]_childcare[1-7]startage_adu_q_1_[01-03] | PREGNA1 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | end age (months) childcare 1 / in the period before your child [1 from pregnancy 1] started school, did you make use of childcare? (e.g. daycare, babysitter, family) | Eind leeftijd (maanden) opvang 1 / Hebt u in de periode voordat uw kind [1 uit zwangerschap 1] naar school ging gebruikt gemaakt van kinderopvang? (bv. kinderdagverblijf, oppas, familie) | pregnancy[1-9]_childcare[1-7]endage_adu_q_1_[01-03] | PREGNA2 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | number of half days per week childcare 1 / in the period before your child [1 from pregnancy 1] started school, did you make use of childcare? (e.g. daycare, babysitter, family) | Aantal dagdelen per week opvang 1 / Hebt u in de periode voordat uw kind [1 uit zwangerschap 1] naar school ging gebruikt gemaakt van kinderopvang? (bv. kinderdagverblijf, oppas, familie) | pregnancy[1-9]_childcare[1-7]days_adu_q_1_[01-03] | PREGNCC | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | type of childcare childcare 1 / in the period before your child [1 from pregnancy 1] started school, did you make use of childcare? (e.g. daycare, babysitter, family) | Soort opvang opvang 1 / Hebt u in de periode voordat uw kind [1 uit zwangerschap 1] naar school ging gebruikt gemaakt van kinderopvang? (bv. kinderdagverblijf, oppas, familie) | pregnancy[1-9]_childcare[1-7]type_adu_q_1_[01-03] | PREGNCCTXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | description other type of childcare 1 / in the period before your child [1 from pregnancy 1] started school, did you make use of childcare? (e.g. daycare, babysitter, family) | Beschrijving andere soort opvang 1 / Hebt u in de periode voordat uw kind [1 uit zwangerschap 1] naar school ging gebruikt gemaakt van kinderopvang? (bv. kinderdagverblijf, oppas, familie) | pregnancy[1-9]_childcare[1-7]other_adu_q_1_[01-03] | PREGND | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 |