^ English label ^ Dutch label ^ **Code** ^ **Variable** ^ Assessment ^ Age ^ | where did you plan to give birth? | Waar was u van plan te bevallen? | pregnancy1_location_adu_q_1_a | PREGNP | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | specification other location: / where did you plan to give birth? | Specficiatie ergens anders / Waar was u van plan te bevallen? | pregnancy1_location_adu_q_1_a1 | PREGNPTXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | where did the delivery end? | Waar eindigde de bevalling? | pregnancy1_location_adu_q_1_b | PREGNQ | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | specification other location / where did the delivery end? | Specificatie ergens anders / Waar eindigde de bevalling? | pregnancy1_location_adu_q_1_b1 | PREGNQTXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | how did you give birth? | Hoe bent u bevallen? | pregnancy1_type_adu_q_1 | PREGNR | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | balloon / i was induced with the following method(s) | Ballon / Ik ben ingeleid met de volgende methode(n) | pregnancy1_induction_adu_q_1_a | PREGNS1 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | iv / i was induced with the following method(s) | Infuus / Ik ben ingeleid met de volgende methode(n) | pregnancy1_induction_adu_q_1_b | PREGNS2 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | gel / i was induced with the following method(s) | Gel / Ik ben ingeleid met de volgende methode(n) | pregnancy1_induction_adu_q_1_c | PREGNS3 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | tablets / i was induced with the following method(s) | Tabletten / Ik ben ingeleid met de volgende methode(n) | pregnancy1_induction_adu_q_1_d | PREGNS4 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | rupturing the membranes / i was induced with the following method(s) | Doorbreken van de vliezen / Ik ben ingeleid met de volgende methode(n) | pregnancy1_induction_adu_q_1_e | PREGNS5 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | did you receive oxytocin (to induce contractions) via iv during the delivery? | Hebt u weeën opwekkers (oxytocine) via een infuus gekregen tijdens de bevalling? | pregnancy1_oxytocin_adu_q_1 | PREGNT | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | yes, pain relief with medication / did you receive pain relief during the delivery? | Ja, pijnstilling met medicatie / Hebt u pijnstilling gekregen tijdens de bevalling? | pregnancy1_painrelief_adu_q_1_a | PREGNU1A | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | yes, pain relief without medication / did you receive pain relief during the delivery? | Ja, pijnstilling zonder medicatie / Hebt u pijnstilling gekregen tijdens de bevalling? | pregnancy1_painrelief_adu_q_1_b | PREGNU1B | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | no / did you receive pain relief during the delivery? | Nee / Hebt u pijnstilling gekregen tijdens de bevalling? | pregnancy1_painrelief_adu_q_1_c | PREGNU1C | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | back massage / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | Rugmassage / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_a | PREGNU2A | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | warm bath or shower / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | Warm bad of douche / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_b | PREGNU2B | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | pressure point massage / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | Drukpunt massage / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_c | PREGNU2C | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | tens (device with which you can deliver small electric currents to yourself via electrodes stuck to your back) / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | GeboorteTens (apparaatje waarmee u zich kleine stroomstootjes toedient via plakkertjes op uw rug) / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_d | PREGNU2D | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | acupuncture / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | Acupunctuur / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_e | PREGNU2E | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | yoga / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | Yoga / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_f | PREGNU2F | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | (self)hypnosis / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | (Zelf) Hypnose / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_g | PREGNU2G | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | other pain relief without medication: / what pain relief without medication did you receive? | Anders, nl. / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_h | PREGNU2H | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | specification other pain relief without medication / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Specificatie andere medicatieloze pijnstilling / Welke medicatieloze pijnstilling hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmanagement_adu_q_1_h1 | PREGNU2HTXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | sleep medication / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Slaapmedicatie / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_a | PREGNU3A | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | injection with sterile water / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Steriële waterinjectie / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_b | PREGNU3B | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | injections with pain medication (morphine, pethidine, nubaine) / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Injecties met pijnstilling (morfine, pethidine, nubaine) / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_c | PREGNU3C | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | iv with a pump that you could use to control the dosing yourself (remifentanil) / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Infuus met een pompje waarbij u zelf de dosering kunt bepalen (remifentanil) / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_d | PREGNU3D | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | epidurial (with or without a dosing pump that you could control yourself) / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Ruggenprik (eventueel met doseerpompje die u zelf kon regelen) / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_e | PREGNU3E | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | nitrous oxide / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Lachgas / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_f | PREGNU3F | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | other pain relief medication: / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Anders, nl. / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_g | PREGNU3G | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | specification other pain relief medication / what pain relief medication did you receive? | Specificatie andere pijnstillende medicatie / Welke pijnstillende medicatie hebt u gekregen? | pregnancy1_painmedication_adu_q_1_j1 | PREGNU3GTXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | did you receive an episiotomy during the delivery? | Bent u ingeknipt tijdens de bevalling? | pregnancy1_delivery_adu_q_1_a | PREGNV | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | did you tear during the delivery? | Bent u ingescheurd tijdens de bevalling? | pregnancy1_delivery_adu_q_1_b | PREGNV1 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | were you sutured after the delivery? | Bent u gehecht na de bevalling? | pregnancy1_delivery_adu_q_1_c | PREGNW | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | did the placenta arrive spontaneously? | Kwam de placenta (moederkoek) spontaan? | pregnancy1_delivery_adu_q_1_d | PREGNX | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | how was the placenta removed? | Hoe is de placenta verwijderd? | pregnancy1_delivery_adu_q_1_e | PREGNX1 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | did you receive a blood transfusion after the delivery? | Hebt u een bloedtransfusie ontvangen na de bevalling? | pregnancy1_delivery_adu_q_1_f | PREGNY | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | preeclampsia / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Zwangerschapsvergiftiging / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_a | PREGNZ1 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | bleeding / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Bloedverlies / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_b | PREGNZ2 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | childbed fever / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Kraamkoorts / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_c | PREGNZ3 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | mastitis / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Borstonsteking / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_d | PREGNZ4 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | abscess / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Abces / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_e | PREGNZ5 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | infection / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Infectie / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_f | PREGNZ6 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | blood pressure problems / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Bloeddrukproblemen / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_g | PREGNZ7 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | thrombosis/embolism / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Trombose/embolie / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_h | PREGNZ8 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | urination problems / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Plasproblemen / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_i | PREGNZ9 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | other reason: / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Anders, nl. / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_j | PREGNZ10 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | specification other reason / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Specificatie andere reden / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_j1 | PREGNZ10TXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 | | no / have you been hospitalized again within 6 weeks after the pregnancy, if so, why? | Nee / Bent u binnen 6 weken na de zwangerschap opnieuw opgenomen geweest in het ziekenhuis, zo ja, waarom? | pregnancy1_hospitalization_adu_q_1_k | PREGNZ11 | [[ROAQ]] | 18-45 |