====== Mental health ====== In this [[sections|section]], all variables assessing the mental state of [[start|Lifelines]] participants are organized.\\ Note that several subsections in the [[Wellbeing & subjective health]] section also have a mental health component. - [[ADHD Rating scale]] - [[Aggression (ASR/ABCL)]] - [[Alcohol use disorder (DSM-5)]] - [[Autism spectrum (AQ-10)]] - [[Childhood Trauma (CTQ)]] - [[Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ)]] - [[Ruff Figural Fluency Test|Cognition (RFFT)]] - [[Cogstate|Cognition (CogState)]] - [[Cognitive decline (IQCODE)]] - [[Mini mental state examination|Cognition (MMSE)]] - [[Depression (LIDAS)]] - [[Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview|Depression & anxiety (MINI)]] - [[Emotional Affect (PANAS)]] - [[Life orientation test (LOT-R)]] - [[Loneliness (LS)]] - [[Mental health (Covid-19)]] - [[Mental illnesses]] - [[Nicotine dependence (FTND)]] - [[Parental bonding (PBI)]] - [[Personality (ASI)]] - [[Personality (GAS)]] - [[Personality (NEO)]] - [[Personality (Type D)]] - [[Psychosis (PSQ)]] - [[Responses to positive affect (RPA)]] - [[Reward sensitivity (SPSRQ)]] - [[Social functioning (general)]] - [[Social functioning (SPF-IL)]] - [[Social behaviour (ASBQ/CSBQ)]] - [[Social functioning (Covid-19)]] - [[General health (PROMIS|Social functioning (PROMIS)]] - [[Stress (general)]] - [[Stress (LDI)]] - [[Stress (LTE)]] - [[Trauma screening (TSQ)]]