====== Mental Illnesses ====== [[start|Lifelines]] participants were asked whether they (ever) had a mental illness ([[sections|section]]: [[Diseases & symptoms]] and [[Mental health]]).\\ Note that questions on eating disorders are listed [[eating disorders|here]], and that some mental illnesses are assessed in more detail (see list of subsections under [[Mental health]]). Psychosis was assessed using the [[Psychosis (PSQ)|PSQ]].\\ In the context of the [[additional assessments]] [[BIONIC|DEPQ]] and [[BIONIC|DEAQ]], the [[Depression (LIDAS)|LIDAS]]((Bot et al., Validity of LIDAS (LIfetime Depression Assessment Self-report): a self-report online assessment of lifetime major depressive disorder. Psychol Med. 2017 Jan;47(2):279-289)) was sent to a subgroup of participants to collect information on depression and anxiety. These variables have been included in the [[additional assessments|additional assessment]] [[MHDQ]] as well. | **Questions English** | **Questions Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | burnout / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | burn-out / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | burnout_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I2 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | depression / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | depressie / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | depression_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I3 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | social phobia / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | sociale fobie / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | socialphobia_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I4 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | agorafobie (pleinvrees) / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | agoraphobia_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I5 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | panic disorder / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | paniekstoornis / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | panicdisorder_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I6 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | (other) anxiety disorder / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | (andere) angststoornis / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | anxiety_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I7 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | manic-depressive disorder (bipolar disorder) / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | manisch depressief syndroom (biopolaire stoornis) / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | bipolar_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I8 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | schizophrenia / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | schizofrenie / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | schizophrenia_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I9 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | eating disorder / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | eetstoornis / Kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | eatingdisorder_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I10 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | obsessive/compulsive disorder / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | obsessieve/compulsieve stoornis / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | ocd_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I11 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) / could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? | adhd / kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | adhd_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I12 | [[1A Questionnaire 1|1A]] | 18+ | | Depression / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Depressie / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | depression_presence_adu_q_2 | HEALTH72I3[P] | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Depression since year: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Depressie sinds jaar: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | depression_presence_adu_q_2_a | HEALTH_72I3YR | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Phobia / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Fobie / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | phobia_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH_72L | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Phobia since year: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Fobie sinds jaar: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | phobia_presence_adu_q_1_a | HEALTH_72LYR | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Phobia for: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Fobie voor: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | phobia_presence_adu_q_1_b | HEALTH_72LTXT | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Anxiety disorder / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Angststoornis / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | anxiety_presence_adu_q_2 | HEALTH_72M | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Anxiety disorder since year: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Angststoornis sinds jaar: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | anxiety_presence_adu_q_2_a | HEALTH_72MYR | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Manic-depressive disorder (bipolar disorder) / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Manisch depressief syndroom / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | bipolar_presence_adu_q_2 | HEALTH72I8[P] | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Manic-depressive disorder since year: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Manisch depressief syndroom sinds jaar: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | bipolar_presence_adu_q_2_a | HEALTH_72I8YR | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Schizophrenia / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Schizofrenie / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | schizophrenia_presence_adu_q_2 | HEALTH72I9[P] | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Schizophrenia since year: / Have you (had) one of the following chronic conditions? | Schizofrenie sinds jaar: / Hebt u één van de volgende chronische aandoeningen (gehad)? | schizophrenia_presence_adu_q_2_a | HEALTH_72I9YR | [[Proxy]] | 18+ | | Were you ever diagnosed with autism? | Is bij u ooit autisme vastgesteld door een arts? | autism_diagnosis_adu_q_1 | HEALTH123 | [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | In what year were you diagnosed? / Were you ever diagnosed with autism? | In welk jaar is de diagnose gesteld? / Is bij u ooit autisme vastgesteld door een arts? | autism_diagnosis_adu_q_1_a | HEALTH123A | [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | brains and psyche / did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the lifelines questionnaire? | hersenen en psyche / hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde? | mentalhealth_followup_adu_q_1 | HEALTH100H | [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | depression / did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the lifelines questionnaire? | depressie / hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde? | depression_followup_adu_q_1 | HEALTH100H3 | [[1B]] [[1C]] [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | burn-out / did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the lifelines questionnaire? | overspannenheid of burn-out / hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde? | burnout_followup_adu_q_1 | HEALTH100H4 | [[1B]] [[1C]] [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) / did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the lifelines questionnaire? | agorafobie (pleinvrees) / hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde? | agoraphobia_followup_adu_q_1 | HEALTH100H5 | [[1B]] [[1C]] [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | panic disorder / did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the lifelines questionnaire? | paniekstoornis / hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde? | panicdisorder_followup_adu_q_1 | HEALTH100H6 | [[1B]] [[1C]] [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | addiction (eg alcohol, drugs, gambling) / did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the lifelines questionnaire? | verslaving (bv alcohol, drugs, gokken) / hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde? | addiction_followup_adu_q_1 | HEALTH100H7 | [[1B]] [[1C]] [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[3A Questionnaire 1|3A]] [[3B]] | 18+ | | do you have pdd-nos, asperger's syndrome or autism? | heb je pdd-nos, asperger of autisme? | autismspectrum_presence_ach_q_1 | ACHHEALTH62 | [[2A Youth Questionnaire|2A]] | 13-17 | | does your child have pdd-nos, asperger's syndrome or autism? | heeft uw kind pdd-nos, asperger of autisme? | autismspectrum_presence_chi_q_1 | CHHEALTH43 | [[2A Child Questionnaire|2A]] | 4-12 | | None of these disorders (brain and psyche) | Geen van de aandoeningen (hersenen en psyche) | | HEALTH72E | [[NEXT]] | | | | Hoeveel hinder hebt u van de aangegeven stemming of angstproblemen, ofwel op school of in uw werk, in uw sociale contacten of binnen uw persoonlijke relaties? | | FEAR1 | [[ADHQ]] | 18+ | ===Variables in BIONIC and MHDQ=== | **Questions English** | **Questions Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | please indicate with which disorders you ever have been diagnosed by a professional or medical doctor? Depression / Bipolar disorder (manic depression) / Schizophrenia or psychosis / Eating disorder / Anxiety disorder / Panic disorder / Obsessive compulsive disorder / Posttraumatic stress disorder / Phobia / ADD-ADHD / Personality disorder / Alcohol addiction / Drug addiction / Other | Wilt u van de volgende lijst aandoeningen aanvinken of deze ooit bij u zijn vastgesteld door een hulpverlener of arts? \\ Depressie / Bipolaire stoornis (manisch depressief) / Schizofrenie of psychose / Eetstoornis / Angststoornis / Paniekstoornis / Obsessieve compulsieve stoornis (dwangstoornis) / Postraumatische stress stoornis / Fobie / ADD-ADHD / Persoonlijkheidsstoornis / Alcoholverslaving / Drugsverslaving / Anders, nl. | lidas_diagnosis_adu_q_01_b-o | other2b-o | [[BIONIC|DEPQ+DEAQ]] [[MHDQ]] | 18+ | | specification other disorder / please indicate with which disorders you ever have been diagnosed by a professional or medical doctor? | specificatie andere aandoening / wilt u van de onderstaande aandoeningen aanvinken of deze ooit bij u zijn vastgesteld door een hulpverlener of arts? | lidas_diagnosis_adu_q_01_o1 | other2o1 | [[BIONIC|DEPQ+DEAQ]] [[MHDQ]] | 18+ |