====== Postpartum health ====== The following variables about health problems after childbirth ([[sections|section]]: [[reproduction & development]]) experienced by adult female [[start|Lifelines]] participants were collected in the context of an [[additional assessments|additional questionnaire]] about female reproductive health ([[ROAQ]]).\\ | **Label English** | **Label Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | did you still have complaints related to the pregnancy/labor and delivery one year after the last time you gave birth (or currently, if the last time you gave birth was less than a year ago)? | Had u een jaar na uw laatste bevalling (of op dit moment als u korter dan een jaar geleden bent bevallen) nog klachten die gerelateerd waren/zijn aan de bevalling dan wel zwangerschap? | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1 | LABORH | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | which of the following complaints did you suffer from [one year after your last labor and delivery] | Van welk van de onderstaande klachten had u last [een jaar na uw laatste bevalling]? | | | | | | urinary incontinence | Ongewild urineverlies | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_a | LABORH1 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | fecal incontinence | Ongewild ontlastingsverlies | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_b | LABORH2 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | pelvic complaints | Bekkenklachten | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_c | LABORH3 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | sexual complaints that make intercourse painful or difficult | Seksuele klachten die gemeenschap pijnlijk maken of belemmeren | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_d | LABORH4 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | sexual complaints because of loss of sensation during intercourse | Seksuele klachten vanwege gevoelsverlies bij het vrijen | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_e | LABORH5 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | being overweight | Overgewicht | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_f | LABORH6 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | prolapsed uterus | Verzakking van baarmoeder | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_g | LABORH7 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | varicose veins | Spataderen | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_h | LABORH8 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | haemorrhoids | Aambeien | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_i | LABORH9 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | constipation | Obstipatie | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_j | LABORH10 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | mental problems | Psychische problemen | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_k | LABORH11 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | other complaints: | Anders, nl: | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_l | LABORH12 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | specification other complaints | specificatie andere klachten | postpartum_complaints_adu_q_1_l1 | LABORH12TXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | which mental problems did you have [one year after your last labor and delivery]? | Welke psychische problemen had u [een jaar na uw laatste bevalling]? | | | | | | anxiety disorder / | Angststoornis | postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_a | LABORI1 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | (postnatal) depression disorder | (Postnatale) depressie stoornis | postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_b | LABORI2 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | manic depression | Manisch depressiviteit | postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_c | LABORI3 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | post-traumatic stress disorder | Post-traumatische stress stoornis | postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_d | LABORI4 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | other mental problem: | Anders, nl. | postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_e | LABORI5 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | specification other mental problem | specificatie andere psychische problemen | postpartum_mentalhealth_adu_q_1_f | LABORI5TXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | which treatment(s) did you receive to resolve the complaints reported above? | Wat voor behandeling(en) hebt u gehad om bovenstaande klacht(en) te verhelpen? | | | | | | no treatment, i still have complaints | Geen behandeling, ik heb nog steeds klachten | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_1 | LABORI6 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | no treatment, but the complaints went away | Geen behandeling, maar de klacht(en) zijn overgegaan | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_2 | LABORI7 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | surgery | Operatie | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_3 | LABORI8 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | physical therapy | Fysiotherapie | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_4 | LABORI9 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | medication | Medicatie | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_5 | LABORI10 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | treatment with a psychologist | Behandeling bij een psycholoog | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_6 | LABORI11 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | treatment with a sexologist | Behandeling bij een seksuoloog | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_7 | LABORI12 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | other treatment: | Anders, nl. | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_8 | LABORI13 | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | specification other treatment | specificatie andere behandeling | postpartum_treatment_adu_q_9 | LABORI13TXT | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ | | how many months after giving birth could you be sexually active without pain? | Hoeveel maanden na de bevalling kon u weer seksueel actief zijn zonder pijnklachten? | postpartum_sexual_adu_q_1 | LABORJ | [[ROAQ]] | 18+ |