====== Quality of Life (EQ-5D) ====== The [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EQ-5D|EQ-5D]]((https://euroqol.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/EQ-5D-3LUserguide-23-07.pdf)) is a standardized instrument for measuring generic health status ([[sections|section]]: [[wellbeing & subjective health]])((van Agt HME, Louise Essink-Bot ML, Krabbe PFM, Bonsel GJ. Test-retest reliability of health state valuations collected with the EuroQol questionnaire. Social Science & Medicine 1994; 11: 1537–1544.))((Hurst NP, Kind P, Ruta D, Hunter M, Stubbings A. Measuring health-related quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis: validity, responsiveness and reliability of EuroQol (EQ-5D). Rheumatology 1997; 36: 551-559.))((Krabbe PFM, Peerenboom L, Langenhoff BS, Reurs TJM. Responsiveness of the generic EQ-5D summary measure compared to the disease-specific EORTC QLQ C-30. Quality of Life Research 2004; 13: 1247-1253.))((Krabbe PFM. Measurement properties of valuation techniques. In: The Elsevier On-line Encyclopedia of Health Economics, Chapter 5 ‘Health and its Value’, Topic 2 (Eds: prof. Tony Culyer, University of York; Prof. Erik Nord, Norwegian Institute of Public Health), 2014.))((Lamers LM, Stalmeier PFM, McDonnell J, Krabbe PFM, Busschbach van JJ. Kwaliteit van leven meten in economische evaluaties: Het Nederlandse EQ-5D tarief. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskunde 2005;149(28):1574-1578.))((Lamers LM, McDonnell J, Stalmeier PFM, Krabbe PFM, Busschbach van JJ. The Dutch tariff: results and arguments for an effective design for national EQ-5D valuation studies. Health Economics 2006; 15(10):1121-1132.))((Nowels D, McGloin J, Westfall JM, Holcomb S. Validation of the EQ-5D quality of life instrument in patients after myocardial infarction. Qual Life Res. 2005;14(1):95-105.)). It has been widely used in population health surveys, clinical studies, economic evaluation and in routine outcome measurement in the delivery of operational healthcare.\\ The EQ-5D is designed for self-completion and as such captures information directly from the respondent, thereby generating data that conforms with the general requirement of all Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) measures.\\ Lifelines implemented the EQ-D5 in [[2A Questionnaire 2]] and in various [[additional assessments]]. Note that Lifelines also assessed quality of life using the [[Quality of life (RAND)|RAND]], [[Life satisfaction (SWLS)|SWLS]] and [[Quality of Life (HHIA)|HHIA]] instruments. ===== Variables ===== | **Questions English** | **Questions Dutch** | **Code** | **Variable** | **Assessment** | **Age** | | mobility / which phrase best reflects your own state of health today? (eq-5d) | mobiliteit / welke zin past het beste bij uw eigen gezondheidstoestand vandaag? (eq-5d) | eq5d_mobility_adu_q_01 | INFCARE18A | [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[ACTQ]] [[INFQ]] [[NEXT]] | 18+ | | self-care / which phrase best reflects your own state of health today? (eq-5d) | zelfzorg / welke zin past het beste bij uw eigen gezondheidstoestand vandaag? (eq-5d) | eq5d_selfcare_adu_q_02 | INFCARE18B | [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[ACTQ]] [[INFQ]] [[NEXT]] | 18+ | | daily activities / which phrase best reflects your own state of health today? (eq-5d) | dagelijkse activiteiten / welke zin past het beste bij uw eigen gezondheidstoestand vandaag? (eq-5d) | eq5d_activity_adu_q_03 | INFCARE18C | [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[ACTQ]] [[INFQ]] [[NEXT]] | 18+ | | pain/complaints / which phrase best reflects your own state of health today? (eq-5d) | pijn/klachten / welke zin past het beste bij uw eigen gezondheidstoestand vandaag? (eq-5d) | eq5d_pain_adu_q_04 | INFCARE18D | [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[ACTQ]] [[INFQ]] [[NEXT]] | 18+ | | mood / which phrase best reflects your own state of health today? (eq-5d) | stemming / welke zin past het beste bij uw eigen gezondheidstoestand vandaag? (eq-5d) | eq5d_mood_adu_q_05 | INFCARE18E | [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[ACTQ]] [[INFQ]] [[NEXT]] | 18+ | | rating health status in number (0 = poorest conceivable health status 100 = best conceivable health status) (eq-5d) | waardering gezondheidstoestand in getal ( 0 = slechtst voorstelbare gezondheidstoestand 100= best voorstelbare gezondheidstoestand) (eq-5d) | eq5d_rate_adu_q_06 | INFCARE19 | [[2A Questionnaire 2|2A]] [[ACTQ]] [[INFQ]] [[NEXT]] | 18+ |