Prepartum environment

The following variables about prepartum work environment (section: reproduction & development) experienced by adult female Lifelines participants were collected in the context of an additional questionnaire about female reproductive health (ROAQ).

Label English Label Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
have you ever been pregnant? (including pregnancies that did not end with labor and giving birth, e.g. miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies) Bent u ooit zwanger geweest? (Hierbij bedoelen we ook een zwangerschap die niet is geƫindigd in een bevalling, bijv. miskraam of buitenbaarmoederlijke zwangerschap) prepartum_lifetime_adu_q_1 PREGNANCYA ROAQ 18-45
did you have a paid job, or were you self-employed, during your latest pregnancy? Had u een betaalde baan, of een eigen bedrijf, tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap? prepartum_work_adu_q_1 WORKA ROAQ 18-45
how many hours do/did you work on average per week? / did you have a paid job, or were you self-employed, during your latest pregnancy? Hoeveel uren werk(te) u gemiddeld per week? / Had u een betaalde baan, of een eigen bedrijf, tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap? prepartum_work_adu_q_1_a WORKB ROAQ 18-45
did you come into contact with (radioactive) radiation during your latest pregnancy? (excludiing radiation from computer, television and mobile phone) Kwam u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in contact met (radioactieve) straling? (Uitgezonderd straling van computer, televisie en mobiele telefoon) prepartum_workradiation_adu_q_1_a WORKC ROAQ 18-45
did the father come into contact with (radioactive) radiation during your latest pregnancy? (excludiing radiation from computer, television and mobile phone) Kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in contact met (radioactieve) straling? (Uitgezonderd straling van computer, televisie en mobiele telefoon) prepartum_workradiation_adu_q_1_b WORKD ROAQ 18-45
did you have a job involving physically demanding work during your latest pregnancy? (standing for a long time or walking a lot, e.g. in a factory, in horticultural/agricultural business or in healthcare) Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap een baan met lichamelijk zwaar werk? (Lang staan of veel lopen in bv. een fabriek, tuinbouw, landbouw of in de zorg) prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1 WORKE ROAQ 18-45
description of the job / did you have a job involving physically demanding work during your latest pregnancy? Beschrijving van baan / Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap een baan met lichamelijk zwaar werk? prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_a WORKETXT ROAQ 18-45
shift work, night shifts, and/or irregular working hours / during your latest pregnancy, did you have to deal at work with: Ploegendienst, nachtdienst en/of onregelmatige werktijden / Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap met uw werk ook te maken met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_b1 WORKF1 ROAQ 18-45
extreme heat or extreme cold / during your latest pregnancy, did you have to deal at work with: Extreme hitte of extreme kou / Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap met uw werk ook te maken met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_b2 WORKF2 ROAQ 18-45
noise / during your latest pregnancy, did you have to deal at work with: Lawaai / Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap met uw werk ook te maken met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_b3 WORKF3 ROAQ 18-45
physical tremors / during your latest pregnancy, did you have to deal at work with: Lichaamstrillingen / Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap met uw werk ook te maken met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_b4 WORKF4 ROAQ 18-45
excess pressure (higher air pressure than normal, also when diving) / during your latest pregnancy, did you have to deal at work with: Overdruk (hogere luchtdruk dan normaal, ook bij duiken) / Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap met uw werk ook te maken met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_b5 WORKF5 ROAQ 18-45
none of the above / during your latest pregnancy, did you have to deal at work with: Geen van bovenstaande / Had u tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap met uw werk ook te maken met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_b6 WORKF6 ROAQ 18-45
did you get in contact with chemicals at work? / during your latest pregnancy, did you have to deal at work with: Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met chemische stoffen? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1 WORKG ROAQ 18-45
solvents (in paint,varnish, glue, cleaning agents and ink) / what chemicals did you get in contact with during work? Oplosmiddelen (in verf, lak, lijm, reinigingsmiddelen en inkt) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_a WORKG1 ROAQ 18-45
narcotic gasses / what chemicals did you get in contact with during work? Narcosegassen / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_b WORKG2 ROAQ 18-45
cancer medication (cytostatics/chemo therapy) / what chemicals did you get in contact with during work? Geneesmiddelen tegen kanker (cytostatica/chemotherapie) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_c WORKG3 ROAQ 18-45
pesticides / what chemicals did you get in contact with during work? Bestrijdingsmiddelen (bijv. pesticiden) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_d WORKG4 ROAQ 18-45
heavy metals or metal compounds / what chemicals did you get in contact with during work? Zware metalen of metaalverbindingen (bv. cadmium, kwik, lood, mangaan en chroom) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_e WORKG5 ROAQ 18-45
other chemicals: / what chemicals did you get in contact with during work? Anders, nl. / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_f WORKG6 ROAQ 18-45
specification other chemicals / what chemicals did you get in contact with during work? specificatie andere chemische stoffen / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_f1 WORKG6TXT ROAQ 18-45
did the father come into contact with chemicals during your latest pregnancy? Kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in contact met chemische stoffen? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_g WORKH ROAQ 18-45
solvents (in paint,varnish, glue, cleaning agents and ink) / what chemicals did the father get in contact with during your latest pregnancy? Oplosmiddelen (in verf, lak, lijm, reinigingsmiddelen en inkt) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in aanraking? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_h WORKH1 ROAQ 18-45
narcotic gasses / what chemicals did the father get in contact with during your latest pregnancy? Narcosegassen / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in aanraking? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_i WORKH2 ROAQ 18-45
cancer medication (cytostatics/chemo therapy) / what chemicals did the father get in contact with during your latest pregnancy? Geneesmiddelen tegen kanker (cytostatica / chemotherapie) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in aanraking? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_j WORKH3 ROAQ 18-45
pesticides / what chemicals did the father get in contact with during your latest pregnancy? Bestrijdingsmiddelen (bv. pesticiden) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in aanraking? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_k WORKH4 ROAQ 18-45
heavy metals or metal compounds / what chemicals did the father get in contact with during your latest pregnancy? Zware metalen of metaalverbindingen (bv. cadmium, kwik, lood, mangaan en chroom) / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in aanraking? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_l WORKH5 ROAQ 18-45
other chemicals: / what chemicals did the father get in contact with during your latest pregnancy? Anders, nl. / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in aanraking? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_m WORKH6 ROAQ 18-45
specification other chemicals / what chemicals did the father get in contact with during your latest pregnancy? specificatie andere chemische stoffen / Met welke chemische stoffen kwam de vader tijdens uw laatste zwangerschap in aanraking? prepartum_workchemicals_adu_q_1_m1 WORKH6TXT ROAQ 18-45
sick people or animals / at work, did you get in contact with: Zieke mensen of dieren / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c1 WORKI1 ROAQ 18-45
small children / at work, did you get in contact with: Kleine kinderen / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c2 WORKI2 ROAQ 18-45
nature in woods or parks / at work, did you get in contact with: Natuur in bossen of plantsoenen / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c3 WORKI3 ROAQ 18-45
raw meat / at work, did you get in contact with: Rauw vlees / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c4 WORKI4 ROAQ 18-45
waste(water) / at work, did you get in contact with: Afval(water) / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c5 WORKI5 ROAQ 18-45
blood, urine, saliva or other boily fluids (also through waste) / at work, did you get in contact with: Bloed, urine, speeksel of andere lichaamsvloeistoffen (ook via afval) / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c6 WORKI6 ROAQ 18-45
excrements (fecal matter) / at work, did you get in contact with: Ontlasting (poep), ook via afval / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c7 WORKI7 ROAQ 18-45
none of the above / at work, did you get in contact with: Geen van bovenstaande / Kwam u tijdens uw werk in contact met: prepartum_workexposure_adu_q_1_c8 WORKI8 ROAQ 18-45