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Lifelines has collected a wide variety of biosamples from participants in all of our general assessments as well as during some of our additional assessments. The following types of biosamples are stored in our biobank and can be requested for use in your research project:

  • Blood (plasma) samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • Blood (serum) samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • Blood (buffycoat) samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • DNA has been extracted from 100,000+ buffycoat samples (during the GWAS and UGLI additional assessments for example).
  • Urine samples were collected from Lifelines participants (ages 8+) as part of the baseline, second, and third assessments.
  • Faecal samples were collected from subcohorts of Lifelines participants as part of the following additional assessments: DEEP, DAG2, and DAG3.
  • Hair samples were collected from participants (ages 18+) during the second assessment.
  • Whole blood samples were collected from 20,000 adult participants during the baseline assessment.

Note that Lifelines also has results from various blood and urine analyses available for reuse.

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biosamples.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/16 12:24 by trynke