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cfs_diagnostic_score [2021/11/30 13:57]
simone [Calculation of CFS diagnostic score]
cfs_diagnostic_score [2025/02/05 14:49] (current)
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 Researchers from the [[https://​​staff/​r.tendeiro-monden/​|University Medical Center Groningen]] developed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) diagnostic score for adult participants using the [[fatigue_CDC|Fatigue (CDC) variables]] ​ from [[2a_questionnaire_2|2A Questionnaire 2]] and [[3a_questionnaire_1|3A Questionnaire 1]]. ([[sections]]:​ [[Diseases & symptoms]] ([[Fatigue (CDC)]]) and [[secondary & linked variables]]).\\ Researchers from the [[https://​​staff/​r.tendeiro-monden/​|University Medical Center Groningen]] developed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) diagnostic score for adult participants using the [[fatigue_CDC|Fatigue (CDC) variables]] ​ from [[2a_questionnaire_2|2A Questionnaire 2]] and [[3a_questionnaire_1|3A Questionnaire 1]]. ([[sections]]:​ [[Diseases & symptoms]] ([[Fatigue (CDC)]]) and [[secondary & linked variables]]).\\
-The CFS diagnostic score can be requested in the Lifelines catalogue or by mail (\\+The CFS diagnostic score can be requested in the [[|Lifelines catalogue]].\\
 \\ \\
 ===== Calculation of CFS diagnostic score ===== ===== Calculation of CFS diagnostic score =====
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 |Participant fulfills CDC criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)|Deelnemer voldoet aan CDC criteria voor chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS)| cfs_cdc_adu_c_1|CFS_CDC_final|[[2a_questionnaire_2|2A]] [[3a_questionnaire_1|3A]]|18+| |Participant fulfills CDC criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)|Deelnemer voldoet aan CDC criteria voor chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS)| cfs_cdc_adu_c_1|CFS_CDC_final|[[2a_questionnaire_2|2A]] [[3a_questionnaire_1|3A]]|18+|
 \\ \\
-===== Publications ===== +
-  * [[https://​​10.1017/​S0033291720001774|Monden,​ R., Rosmalen, J. G., Wardenaar, K. J., & Creed, F. (2020). Predictors of new onsets of irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia:​ the lifelines study. Psychological medicine, 1-9.]]+
cfs_diagnostic_score.1638277072.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/05 14:49 (external edit)