Table of Contents

Symptoms Checklist SCL-90

Symptoms experienced by Lifelines participants were assessed using the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90), a multidimensional self-report instrument (section: Diseases & symptoms) that was found to be suitable for use in large-scale studies including elderly people1)2).
Note that the assessment of symptoms in specific medical fields are listed in the associated subsections (see here for a list).
The SCL-90 for somatic symptoms was also incorporated in the Covid-19 additional questionnaires.

The full SCL contains the following dimensions:

Within the general assessments of Lifelines, only the dimension of somatic symptoms was used (in conjunction with symptoms associated with a specific medical field). This dimension reflects symptoms of the autonome and musculoskeletal systems, which correlate with a general physical feeling of dysfunctioning.
The 26 items within the dimensions of anxiety and depression were (together with somatic symptoms) assessed in the context of an additional questionnaire, EARQ.


Respondents were asked to what extent they were hampered by 12 different somatic symptoms, 10 different anxiety-related symptoms, and/or 16 depression-related symptoms in the last 7 days on a five point scale, from “not at all” to “extremely”.


In the following publication, Lifelines SCL-90 data was investigated:


Questions English Questions Dutch Code Variable Assessment Age
headache / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: hoofdpijn / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_headache_adu_q_01 SCL90SOM1 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
dizziness / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: duizeligheid / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_dizziness_adu_q_02 SCL90SOM2 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
pain in the chest or around the heart / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: pijn in de borst of hartstreek / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_chestpain_adu_q_03 SCL90SOM3 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
pain in the lower back / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: pijn onder in de rug / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_backpain_adu_q_04 SCL90SOM4 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
nausea or upset stomach / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: misselijkheid of een maag die van streek is / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_nausea_adu_q_05 SCL90SOM5 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
painful muscles / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: pijnlijke spieren / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_musclepain_adu_q_06 SCL90SOM6 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
difficulty breathing / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: moeilijk adem kunnen krijgen / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_dyspnea_adu_q_07 SCL90SOM7 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
feeling alternately hot and cold / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: je soms erg warm, dan weer erg koud voelen / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_temperature_adu_q_08 SCL90SOM8 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
a numb or tingling feeling in some body part / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: een verdoofd of tintelend gevoel ergens in je lichaam / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_numbness_adu_q_09 SCL90SOM9 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
a lump in your throat / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: een brok in je keel / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_throat_adu_q_10 SCL90SOM10 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+
feeling very weak physically / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: je lichamelijk erg slap voelen / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_weakness_adu_q_11_v1 SCL90SOM11* 1A 1B 1C EARQ 18+
feeling weak in parts of your body / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: je lichamelijk ergens slap voelen / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_weakness_adu_q_11_v2 SCL90SOM11A 2A 3A 3B NEXT 18+
heavy feeling in arms or legs / to what extent were you hampered in the past 7 days by: zwaar voelen in armen of benen / in welke mate werd u de afgelopen 7 dagen gehinderd door scl_heavylimbs_adu_q_12 SCL90SOM12 1A 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B EARQ NEXT 18+

*SCL90SOM11 was wrongly translated into Dutch to “fealing very weak in your body”. This variable was replaced by the correctly translated SCLSOM11A for assessments 2A and NEXT.

Questions English Questions Dutch Variable Assessment Age
Nervousness or shakiness inside Zenuwachtigheid of van binnen trillen SCL90EQ1 EARQ 18+
Unwanted thoughts, words, or ideas that won’t leave your mind Nare gedachten of ideeën niet kwijt kunnen raken SCL90EQ2 EARQ 18+
Loss of sexual interest or pleasure Geen seksuele interesse meer hebben of er geen plezier aan beleven SCL90EQ3 EARQ 18+
Feeling low in energy or slowed down Weinig puf (energie) hebben SCL90EQ4 EARQ 18+
Thoughts of ending your life Denken om er maar een eind aan te maken SCL90EQ5 EARQ 18+
Trembling Trillen SCL90EQ6 EARQ 18+
Poor appetite Weinig eetlust hebben SCL90EQ7 EARQ 18+
Crying easily Gauw huilen SCL90EQ8 EARQ 18+
Feeling of being trapped or caught Verstrikt zijn of gevangen voelen SCL90EQ9 EARQ 18+
Suddenly scared for no reason Zomaar plotseling schrikken of bang worden SCL90EQ10 EARQ 18+
Blaming yourself for things Jezelf van allerlei dingen de schuld geven SCL90EQ11 EARQ 18+
Feeling lonely Je eenzaam voelen SCL90EQ12 EARQ 18+
Feeling blue Het gevoel in de put te zitten SCL90EQ13 EARQ 18+
Worrying too much about things Te veel over de dingen piekeren SCL90EQ14 EARQ 18+
Feeling no interest in things Nergens meer belangstelling in hebben SCL90EQ15 EARQ 18+
Feeling fearful Je bang voelen SCL90EQ16 EARQ 18+
Heart pounding or racing Hartkloppingen SCL90EQ17 EARQ 18+
Your mind going blank Een gevoel van leegte SCL90EQ18 EARQ 18+
Feeling hopeless about the future Je wanhopig over de toekomst voelen SCL90EQ19 EARQ 18+
Feeling tense or keyed up Je gespannen voelen SCL90EQ20 EARQ 18+
Thoughts of death or dying Denken aan dood of sterven SCL90EQ21 EARQ 18+
Spells of terror or panic Aanvallen van angst of paniek SCL90EQ22 EARQ 18+
Feeling so restless you couldn’t sit still Je zo rusteloos voelen dat je niet stil kunt blijven zitten SCL90EQ23 EARQ 18+
Feelings of worthlessness Gevoelens dat je niets waard bent SCL90EQ24 EARQ 18+
N/A Het gevoel dat iets naars je gaat overkomen SCL90EQ25 EARQ 18+
N/A Gedachten en bepaalde voorstellingen van angstige aard SCL90EQ26 EARQ 18+
Zijlema, WL et al. (2013) How to assess common somatic symptoms in large-scale studies: A systematic review of questionnaires. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 74(6): 459-468
van Driel, TJW et al. Assessment of somatization and medically unexplained symptoms in Later Life. Assessment 25(3): 374-393