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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) symptom inventory for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME) is aimed to assess whether a person meets the CDC diagnostic criteria for (CFS)1) (section: diseases & symptoms).
Note that Lifelines also assesses (chronic) fatigue using the CIS and PROMIS instruments plus some general questions.
Lifelines repeatedly assessed the presence of CFS/ME by self-report. However, recent studies indicate that this method misses ~90% of the CFS diagnoses2). The CDC symptom survey improves the identification of participants that meet the diagnostic criteria for CFS/ME by assessing the presence of individual symptoms rather than the disease itself.
The CDC symptom survey was developed in English and translated in Dutch 3).
The CDC symptom survey as used in Lifelines assesses 8 symptoms that are part of the diagnostic criteria for CSF, plus a question regarding depressive feelings in the last 6 months to increase the diagnostic value.
To assess fatigue, the core symptom of CFS, an additional question was asked in conjuction to the CDC (see here).
The validation of the CDC symptom survey is described here4)
Questions English | Questions Dutch | Code | Variable | Assessment | Age |
forgetfulness / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | vergeetachtigheid / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_forgetful_adu_q_01 | CDC1 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
forgetfulness / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | vergeetachtigheid / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_forgetful_adu_q_01_a | CDC1A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
problems concentrating / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | concentratieproblemen / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_concentration_adu_q_02 | CDC2 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
problems concentrating / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | concentratieproblemen / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_concentration_adu_q_02_a | CDC2A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
sore throat / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | keelpijn / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_sorethroat_adu_q_03 | CDC3 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
sore throat / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | keelpijn / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_sorethroat_adu_q_03_a | CDC3A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
tender neck or axillary nodes / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | gevoelige hals- of okselklieren / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_tendernodes_adu_q_04 | CDC4 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
tender neck or axillary nodes / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | gevoelige hals- of okselklieren / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_tendernodes_adu_q_04_a | CDC4A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
sore muscles / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | spierpijn / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_musclepain_adu_q_05 | CDC5 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
sore muscles / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | spierpijn / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_musclepain_adu_q_05_a | CDC5A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
painful joints / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | pijnlijke gewrichten / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_jointpain_adu_q_06 | CDC6 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
painful joints / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | pijnlijke gewrichten / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_jointpain_adu_q_06_a | CDC6A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
headache / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | hoofdpijn / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_headache_adu_q_07 | CDC7 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
headache / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | hoofdpijn / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_headache_adu_q_07_a | CDC7A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
waking up not feeling rested / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | niet uitgerust wakker worden / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_notrested_adu_q_08 | CDC8 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
waking up not feeling rested / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | niet uitgerust wakker worden / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_notrested_adu_q_08_a | CDC8A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
worsening of complaints after physical activity / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | toename van klachten na lichamelijke inspanning / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_complaints_adu_q_09 | CDC9 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
worsening of complaints after physical activity / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | toename van klachten na lichamelijke inspanning / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_complaints_adu_q_09_a | CDC9A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
depressed feelings / how often did you have the complaints listed below in the past 6 months? | depressieve gevoelens / hoe vaak hebt u de afgelopen 6 maanden last gehad van onderstaande klachten? | cdc_depressive_adu_q_10 | CDC10 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
depressed feelings / have you had these complaints for more than or less than 6 months? | depressieve gevoelens / hebt u korter of langer dan 6 maanden last van deze klachten? | cdc_depressive_adu_q_10_a | CDC10A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |