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Lifelines participants were asked the following questions about their experiences with fatigue (section: Diseases & symptoms).
Note that fatigue is also assessed within Lifelines using the PROMIS and CIS instruments.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is assessed using the CDC instrument. The FATIGUE1-3 variables were formulated as an addition to the CDC.
Questions English | Questions Dutch | Code | Variable | Assessment | Age |
Could you indicate which of the following disorders you have (had)? Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME). | Chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom/ Kunt u aankruisen welke van de volgende aandoeningen u hebt of hebt gehad? | cfs_presence_adu_q_1 | HEALTH72I1 | 1A NEXT | 18+ |
Chronic fatigue disorder (ME) / Did the health problems listed below start since the last time you filled in the LifeLines questionnaire? | Chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (CVS/ ME) / Hebt u onderstaande gezondheidsproblemen gekregens sinds de vorige keer dat u een lifelines vragenlijst invulde? | cfs_followup_adu_q_1 | HEALTH100H8 | 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B | 18+ |
The last two weeks in general: I do not wake up rested | De laatste twee weken in het algemeen: ik word niet uitgerust wakker | fatigue_pastweeks_adu_q_1 | FATIGUE1 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
To what extent did your tiredness hamper your normal activities (both work outside the home and household chores) in the past 6 months? | In welke mate heeft moeheid u in de afgelopen 6 maanden belemmerd bij uw normale werkzaamheden (zowel werk buitenshuis als huishoudelijk werk)? | fatigue_severity_adu_q_1 | FATIGUE2 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
i have had my tiredness complaints for about: | mijn moeheidsklachten heb ik nu ongeveer: | fatigue_duration_adu_q_1 | FATIGUE3 | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
specification number of years / i have had my tiredness complaints for about: | aantal jaren / mijn moeheidsklachten heb ik nu ongeveer: | fatigue_duration_adu_q_1_a | FATIGUE3A | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
specification number of months / i have had my tiredness complaints for about: | aantal maanden / mijn moeheidsklachten heb ik nu ongeveer: | fatigue_duration_adu_q_1_b | FATIGUE3B | 2A 3A NEXT | 18+ |
fatigue / can you indicate how much you suffered from this problem in the past year? | moeheid / wil je aangeven hoeveel last je het afgelopen jaar van deze problemen hebt gehad? | fatigue_severity_ach_q_1 | ACHHEALTH43L | 1A 2A | 13-17 |
fatigue / can you indicate how much your child suffered from the types of physical pain listed below in the past year? | moeheid / wilt u aangeven hoeveel last uw kind het afgelopen jaar van onderstaande problemen heeft gehad? | fatigue_pastyear_chi_q_1 | CHHEALTH41L | 2A | 4-12 |
I felt tired | Ik voelde me moe | fatigue_adu_q_1/2_a | COVID22L | COVQ | 18+ |
I was easily tired | Ik was gauw moe | fatigue_adu_q_1/2_b | COVID22M | COVQ | 18+ |
I felt fine | Ik voelde me fit | fatigue_adu_q_1/2_c | COVID22N | COVQ | 18+ |
I felt physically exhausted | Lichamelijk voelde ik me uitgeput | fatigue_adu_q_1/2_d | COVID22O | COVQ | 18+ |