Questions English | Questions Dutch | Code | Variable | Assessment |
what is your marital status? | wat is uw burgerlijke staat? | maritalstatus_current_adu_q_1 | DEMO7 | 1A Proxy 1B COVQ 24, 26, 28 |
specification of other marital status: / what is your marital status? | anders, nl. / wat is uw burgelijke staat? | maritalstatus_current_adu_q_1_a | DEMO7B | 1A Proxy 1B COVQ 26, 28 |
do you have a partner now? | hebt u nu een partner? | partner_presence_adu_q_1 | DEMO7C | 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 3A 3B ACTQ BIGQ NEXT COVQ 24 |
specification other: / do you have a partner now? | specificatie anders, nl. / hebt u nu een partner? | partner_presence_adu_q_1_a | DEMO7XTXT | 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 3A 3B ACTQ BIGQ |
how long have you been in your current relationship? (xx years) | wat is de duur van uw huidige relatie? (xx jaar) | relationship_duration_adu_q_1 | DEMO8 | 1A Proxy 1B 1C 2A 3B |
What is your partner's gender? | Wat is het geslacht van uw partner? | partner_gender_adu_q_1 | DEMO8A | 1A Proxy 1B 1C 2A 3A 3B |
did you ever divorce? | bent u ooit gescheiden? | divorce_presence_adu_q_1 | DEMO9 | 1A 1B 1C 3A 3B |
Who are living in your house? (more than half the time) | Wie wonen er bij uw thuis? (meer dan de helft van de tijd) | | | |
My partner | Mijn partner | inhouse_partner_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A1 | 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT |
My father | Mijn vader | inhouse_father_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A2 | 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT |
My mother | Mijn moeder | inhouse_mother_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A3 | 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT |
My children | Mijn kinderen | inhouse_children_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A4 | 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT |
My father's or mother's partner/girlfriend/boyfriend (stepfather or stepmother) | Partner/vriend(in) van mijn vader of moeder (stiefvader of stiefmoeder) | inhouse_partnerparent_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A5 | 1A 2A 3A 3B |
Brother(s) and/or sister(s) (or half-brothers, stepbrothers, half-sisters, stepsisters) | Broer(s) en/ of zus(sen) (of halfbroers, stiefbroers, halfzussen, stiefzussen) | inhouse_siblings_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A6 | 1A 2A 3A 3B |
Other adults (e.g. uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, friends, acquaintances) | Andere volwassenen (bijv. oom, tante, opa, oma, vrienden, kennissen) | inhouse_adults_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A7 | 1A 2A 3A 3B |
I live alone | Ik woon alleen | inhouse_alone_adu_q_1 | DEMO12A8 | 1A 2A 3A 3B |
Specification others | Specificatie anderen | inhouse_other_adu_q_1_a | DEMO12A9 | 1A 2A 3A |
Children of my partner that are not my own (stepchildren) | Kinderen van mijn partner maar niet van mij (stiefkinderen) | inhouse_stepchildren_adu_q_1_v1/2 | DEMO12A10 | 1A 2A 3A 3B NEXT |
How many people are living in your house, yourself included? Please note: we refer to the house where you live most days of the week. | Hoeveel personen wonen er bij u thuis, u zelf meegerekend? Let op: bedoeld wordt waar u de meeste dagen van de week woont. | inhouse_number_adu_q_1 | DEMO12B | 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 3A NEXT 3B |
Which individuals do you currently live with (for at least half of the time)? | Met welke personen woont u momenteel samen (voor minimaal de helft van de tijd)? | inhouse_persons_adu_q_1 | OVERGANG28 | MAWQ |
Do you have one or more household members? | Hebt u één of meerdere huisgenoten? | covtxx_household_adu_q_1 | COVID14 | COVQ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15b, 16, 16b, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 |
Has the amount of household members or the composition of your household changed since the last time that we asked you about your household composition? | Sinds de vorige keer dat wij u gevraagd hebben hoeveel huisgenoten u hebt, is het aantal huisgenoten of de samenstelling van uw huishouden gewijzigd? | covtxx_household_adu_q_2 | COVID14_1 | COVQ 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29 |
How many members of your household are between 0-12 years of age? | Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 0-12 jaar? | covtxx_household_adu_q_1_a | COVID14A / -1 | COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29 |
How many household members are between 13-18 years of age? | Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 13-18 jaar? | covtxx_household_adu_q_1_b | COVID14B / -1 | COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29 |
How many household members are between 18/19-30 years of age? | Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 18/19-30 jaar? | covtxx_household_adu_q_1_c | COVID14C / -1 / -2 | COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29 |
How many household members are between 30/31-59/60 years of age? | Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd 30/31-59/60 jaar? | covtxx_household_adu_q_1_d | COVID14D / -1 / -2 | COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29 |
How many household members are older than 60 years of age? | Hoeveel huisgenoten hebt u in de leeftijd ouder dan 60 jaar? | covtxx_household_adu_q_1_e | COVID14E | COVQ 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 29 |
Do you have a (foster)child or (foster)children? | Hebt u een (pleeg)kind of (pleeg)kinderen? | covtxx_children_fam_q_3 | COVID15A8 | COVQ 19, 23 |